Radeon Settings may crash on switching Windows® user after toggling AMD CrossFire technology mode.Enabling supersampling in Sniper Elite 4 may cause image cropping.AMD FreeSync technology mode may not be compatible or function with Sniper Elite 4.

Application profiles in Radeon Settings may fail to retain after system log off or reboot for some gaming applications.Battlefield 1 may fail to launch using Origin or Radeon Settings if it has an enabled profile in the Radeon Settings Game Manager. Users can disable the Battlefield 1 profile if they are experiencing issues with launching.Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands may experience flicker in Multi GPU system configurations when performing a task switch or changing graphics settings while the game is running.

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands may sometimes fail to launch in three or four way Multi GPU enabled system configurations.For Honor may experience texture flickering or a black screen in game menus or when performing a task switch in 4x Multi GPU system configurations.Texture corruption may be observed in The Division on some surfaces using the DirectX12 API.I nuovi driver vanno inoltre a risolvere alcuni problemi di visualizzazione con Tom Clancy's The Division in DirectX 12. AMD ha appena pubblicato i Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.3.2 beta che introducono il supporto (compreso il profilo CrossFire) per l'attesissimo Mass Effect: Andromeda ed un aumento delle prestazioni medio sui giochi quantificabile in circa un 12% su una RX 480.